Low voltage works management for distribution (network) infrastructure assets (Guide)

$50.00 excl. GST

The guide is designed to provide guidance to the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) so the ESI can develop their own business specific Low Voltage work control procedures.



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This guide is an industry procedure as defined in the SM-EI.  It provides information and promotes a series of controls for each work method that forms part of reasonably practicable steps mandated by legislation.

This guide is designed to provide guidance to the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) so the ESI can develop their own business specific low voltage (LV) work control procedures.

It is recognised that the ESI have well-documented and understood processes for managing high voltage live and de-energised work through SM-EI.  This guide mirrors those requirements to LV.

[Graphic on page 2 updated 28th August 2024]