Metering safety (Good practice guide)

$100.00 excl. GST

This guide documents safety‐related good practice in installing, upgrading and maintaining customer metering installations.




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Purpose of Guide

The Metering Safety: Good Practice Guide was commissioned as an initiative of the Electricity Industry CEO Forum, the Electricity Networks Association and the Electricity Engineers’ Association in 2010. The original guide was developed at a time when there was a significant amount of installation and upgrade work progressing, with a widespread rollout of advanced metering technology.

The purpose of the guide is to document safety‐related good practice in installing, upgrading and maintaining customer metering installations. The guide aims to assist users in achieving:

  • Safe electrical installations for the owners and occupiers of premises
  • Secure and reliable metering installations that perform to customer expectations over the long term, and
  • A safe working environment for electrical workers operating on metering installations and nearby electrical equipment.

Updated Revision

The review of the guide led to the following changes:

  • Updated references due to changes in legislation, standards and other relevant codes
  • Reference to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Alignment with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 with respect to overload protection of consumers mains
  • Updated explanation of industry roles and relationships as a result of restructured government departments
  • Acknowledgement of advances in technology, such as smart meter wireless technology for meter reading
  • Emphasis on the safety benefits of eliminating split neutrals in favour of shunt neutral configurations
  • Detailing the installation of an isolator on the line side of the meter to allow for the meter to be worked on or changed safely
  • Removal of material now considered to be redundant as the industry has developed (i.e. detailed auditing information).